How Much Do Educational Consultants Charge in the UK?

Many families seek the ongoing support and advice of an experienced educational consultant to help them navigate the entire admissions process. From contacting schools on their behalf to organizing presentations and answering questions.

How Much Do Educational Consultants Charge in the UK?

Many families seek the ongoing support and advice of an experienced educational consultant to help them navigate the entire admissions process. From contacting schools on their behalf to organizing presentations and answering questions, educational consultants use their expertise in learning, teaching, and evaluation to develop the curriculum or identify and support specialized needs. Professional organizations such as IECA or HECA are not requirements, but they can add legitimacy to an independent consulting business. The average salary of an emergency medicine consultant in the UK is £92,423 per year or £47.40 per hour.

An independent educational consultant helps families match their student's skills, goals, and needs with school-specific options to determine which options are appropriate. The fee for this consultation meeting is deducted from the cost of the main school consultancy if updated within one month. Because education can be a competitive field, educational consultants often have a qualification in a specialty as well. According to a study conducted by the National Research Center for College and University Admissions (NRCCUA), 26% of high-performing seniors use independent educational or college consultants to support them in their college search efforts.

A degree in any subject can be beneficial for entering educational consulting, but a degree in education or psychology can be advantageous. Organizations that work in specialized areas of education provide advice and guidance to clients, as well as opportunities to develop their own customer base. Usually, you'll need a first degree or HND to be an educational consultant, but experience and determination will count for a lot in the industry. Your consultant also assists your student through the application process, including making suggestions for the student's college essay and identifying areas for improvement.

Once you know what type of educational consulting company you want to start, you should discuss your options with a business accountant, a business lawyer, and utilize the services of any small business mentoring program in your local area to get your business off the ground running smoothly.

Jérémy Carpenito
Jérémy Carpenito

Friendly twitter junkie. Unapologetic bacon guru. Professional beer junkie. General bacon aficionado. Incurable social media lover. Certified travel fan.

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